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Автор: Fefa Koroleva, 23 декабря 2005 г. в 13:37

Кто-нибудь сталкивался с этой книгой и вообще читал ли книги другие этого автора и слышал ли про его работу?
Я знаю о нём довольно мало....

Littauer himself donated the NSL's first edition copy in 1956 (the Library was founded in 1954) making it one of the earliest books in the collection.
Born in Russia in 1892, he grew up in St. Petersburg and graduated as an officer from the Nicholas Cavalry School. His training was based on French dressage as taught by James Fillis, but he later turned away from such methods as being only for the best of horsemen. After studying Federico Caprilli's new system of the forward seat, the Russian officers were victorious in the 1912 and 1913 London Nation's Cup.
Littauer emigrated to the United States following the Russian Revolution and in 1927 met two other former officers in New York City. With his partners, they founded a riding school, Boots and Saddles. Within three years, he was recognized as one of the most important intructors and authors in the U.S. and was in great demand around the country. He taught at many schools, hunt clubs and colleges, including a long relationship with Virginia's Sweet Briar College.
Littauer presents a logical progressive training system for schooling the green horse over fences. He begins with flat work to establish "stabilized gaits." This teaches the horse steadiness while moving forward. Next, Littauer describes work over cavaletti, jumping grids, gymnastic exercises and more advanced work to produce a safe, steady mount for the field or show ring.

Вот собственно и всё, что удалось накопать.
А хотелось бы узнать об этом всаднике побольше.


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Demi Arret
7 апреля 2009, 01:12:34
Re: Vladimir Littauer "Schooling Your Horse"
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Fefa Koroleva
7 апреля 2009, 01:12:34
Re: Vladimir Littauer "Schooling Your Horse"
очень интересно......