Автор: Ольга,
29 марта 2011 г. в 17:26
Open Finnish Championship For Farriers 2011
Competition will be placed at Killeri, Jyvдskylд on 13 th.-14 th. May 2011.
Judgment: Joop Wijnen and Gert-Jan Salm, Holland (Werkman)
Invitation for Competitors 2011
Registration ends 10.4. After that the participants will be sent an invoice. The last day for payment is 24.4. The amount is 50 eur/class. The participants are taken in in the order of registration, so that the preference is in those who take part in all the four classes.
Technical advice:
Rauno Puronen, mobile: +358 50 3581526
email: rauno.puronen@kolumbus.fi
Ключевые слова:
ковка, коваль
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