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Автор: nelli, 29 декабря 2004 г. в 20:50 комментировать


Could someone help me find an information (from Internet) of a russian-born horse living in Finland now? He is called Hlopock ( picture )and he is about 14 years old gelding. I've been told that he has been jumping in russian world cup team, up to 150cm fences.

Because I don't speak russian, or understand anything about cyrillic alphabets, this is mission impossible for me.

I would be very happy to hear anything about his past! Please, send me an e-mail: nelli_k@hotmail.com if you find out anything!


Автор: cascaderanch, 8 июня 2004 г. в 19:03 комментировать

Looking for frozen Donchak semen, to be shipped to the US. I'd like a gurantee, but will agree to a certified test freeze.

Email to cascaderanch@hotmail.com

Автор: cascaderanch, 2 июня 2004 г. в 19:26 комментировать

Found a post on this website, asking the same old question: "does the horse benefit from interaction with the owner?" Read some replies and reactions and decided to write a post of my own.

To pet or not to pet, to spoil or not to spoil - this is not a binary question, and it can't be answered with a binary answer. Do what you want. However, if you want my advice - read on.

Never give treats to a horse before you work it. Pet, scratch, rub all you want, but no carrots, or apples, or cookies, or caviar. It’s really hard to do, especially for those of us who love horses, but it’s the right way. Horse should not expect a carrot every time it sees you – it’s your “slave”, however negative the connotation is. I know, my gentle reader, you are appalled by the use of the word “slave”. However, how else do I describe the relationship we have with a horse? We want to ride – we ride. We do not ask our horses is they feel like riding, or not, do we? We don’t pay them, and we don’t let them leave on their own volition, do we? As for love and appreciation that we give them… well, love between a slave owner and a slave is nothing new. The long and the short of it – your horse is your slave. Be kind to it, but remember – you are the Master. You came to work with him, and make him work for you. You saddle him up and you go. Again, no treats while you work. Pet him, scratch him, praise him, but no treats. The reason is obvious.

There is an exception to the rule: Treats are a tool of the trade if you want to teach your horse a trick. For example, you want him to bow. The only (humane) way I know to teach a horse to bow is to hold a carrot in my hand as my hand goes under his chest.

So, when should you give a treat to your horse? After you ride. He did his job, he did it well. Now it’s your turn - you rub him, you groom him, you give him a bath and a treat. When you give treats to a horse, never give them from your hand. The reason is simple:
Your hand should not be viewed as a feeding bucket, or a candy jar. Do not keep carrots in your back pocket. If you do –sooner or later your horse will bite you in the ass. Put the treats in the feeding bucket, and let the horse eat. You might say “But if I put it in the bucket, then what’s the difference between a treat and a bunch of hay? Hay is cheaper!” Precisely!

On the other hand, if you enjoy giving your horse treats and do not care if it forms a bad habit with your horse, then God Bless you, and give him treats all you want! He is your horse! Who says you can’t do what you want with your beloved faithful slave?

Автор: Фунтова Наталья, 19 мая 2004 г. в 08:38 комментировать

If anyone from this forum decide to go on our show pls feel free to make me call on my cell-phone.
My number is (917) 359-99-63. I'll glad to meet everyone.
Also I can make free tikets for my frends anytime jast call me.
Best regards.

Автор: Ученик, 13 мая 2004 г. в 17:53 комментировать

Автор: Uncle Pasha, 27 апреля 2004 г. в 02:45 комментировать

Staritsa, Tver region, between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Genuine and un-touristy. Private dacha, gentle home-raised animal, English-speaking host. Very inexpensive too. Rolling hills over the Volga, miles of trails, all-inclusive low daily contribution instead of annoying hourly rates.

See www.russian-horse-rides.com or write to paul_voytinsky@yahoo.com

Or call 8-916-117-1527.


Автор: The Tetrarch, 11 апреля 2004 г. в 22:39 комментировать

Hi everyone, my name is Margo and I am researching and writing a book on a racehorse and his descendants. The racehorse is The Tetrarch. I am hoping that I can find among you a "pedigree nut" who has a deep interest in the history of thoroughbreds in Russia who may be able to help me track down some English racehorses who were sent to Russia in the 1920's and 1930's. The wife of a workmate is Russian and found this site for me. I live in Bristol, England.
Best wishes to all.

Автор: Екатерина Штатнова, 8 августа 2003 г. в 08:53 комментировать

All information here

Автор: Екатерина Штатнова, 24 июля 2003 г. в 10:25 комментировать


Автор: Екатерина Штатнова, 10 июля 2003 г. в 16:55 комментировать

New article in English!