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Автор: a.ngel.e.yes, 7 декабря 2007 г. в 22:42

Anyone who has some information, please answer this topic =)
I'm looking for pictures and results from competition in dressage/show jumping. The horse´s name is pronounsed "sefir", I don't know how to spell it. Horse is a gelding, 10 years old, from Russia, color dark brown/black(bay?) with white socks on both back legs. Horse has big/good movement. Owner(at least was) Elena Vanina.

Please share information: how to spell the name right. Where to find results from competition..


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Екатерина Штатнова
7 апреля 2009, 01:23:50
Re: Looking for this horse!
I suppose that the name is "Zefir". Did you buy him from Sankt-Petersburg or Moscow?
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7 апреля 2009, 01:23:50
Re: Looking for this horse!
Сорры, Иьм нот лоокинг фор тхис хорсе, бут лоокинг фор информатион абоут тхис хорсе! И дид нот буы тхис хорсе, бут хеьс ин Финланд нощ (анд И суппосе хас беен фор а щхиле фор сале), анд хас беен солд. Бут И хаве беен трыинг то гоогле бы тхе наме Елена Ванина, бут И цаньт финд аны информатион абоут тхис хорсе ор пицтурес. И хеард тхат хе хас цомпетед ботх ин дрессаге анд шощ юмпинг, со ареньт тхере аны пицтурес фром цомпетитион ор ресултс- щхере цан И финд тхем? И триед то лоок фром хере, еяуестриан.ру, бут И доньт ундерстанд руссиан тхат муч со И цоулд финд сометхинг. Ис тхере соме щебсите щхере И цоулд финд ресултс фром цомпетитион анд пхотос такен фром цомпетитионс?
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7 апреля 2009, 01:23:50
Re: Looking for this horse!
I'm sorry, I accidently pushed a button that turned my message in russian letters.. Can you read that/ do you recognice russian letters?
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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:23:50
Re: Looking for this horse!
OK, so you didn't import the horse, right? The horse was already in Finland? Do you have ANY papers for the horse, other than the bill of sale? Anything at all showing his registration, breeding? If yes - you might be able to get some info from VNIIK. If not - forget it. It's kind of like buying a used car.
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7 апреля 2009, 01:23:50
Re: Looking for this horse!
This horse has now changed owner. It is not my horse, but someone who I know, owns it now. Yes, there are papers of this horse. But I'm looking for pictures and/or results from competition- I'm curious. I believe, that Olga Sotsevanova has competed in dressage with this horse. But show jumping, I don't know.
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7 апреля 2009, 01:23:50
Re: Looking for this horse!

I know Olga Sochevanova and Elena Vanina and can ask them about Zefir if you steel need information