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Автор: Sandra Coron, 18 мая 2007 г. в 00:10

I'm looking for information about the Bashkirian horse in Russia. I own several horses of this breed here in Sweden.
I would like to know everything about the breeding, the using and training of them in Russia. By that I mean anything, from a private owned horse to a stud farm (especially a stud farm, since most of my horses are imported from Russia).
If you know a russian homepage about Bashkirian horses in english (guush that's complicated) I would really appreciate it!
Thank you


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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:20:52
Re: башкирская - Bashkirian horse!
The Bashkirian horses you own - are they from Russia, or from the US?
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Sandra Coron
7 апреля 2009, 01:20:52
Re: башкирская - Bashkirian horse!
At the moment I own 5 Bashkirian horses (we've sold some because we had too many). 3 of them are imported from Russia in around 1994 and the youngest of the imported horses we think might have been imported in 1998.

Or maybe your question was if they are of the american curly breed? If so I can say they are definitely not.=)
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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:20:52
Re: башкирская - Bashkirian horse!
Actually, there IS an opinion that it's the same breed... Alas, I digress.

The best, most trusty (and official) authority on breeding and breeds in Russia is VNIIK,

Russian State Institute of Equine Breeding (my translation, sorry…)
Address - Russia, 391105, Ryazan Oblast, Ribnovski raion, p. Divovo (VNII Konevodstva).
Phone – (4912)24-0265
Email – vniik@rinfotels.ru

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Sandra Coron
7 апреля 2009, 01:20:52
Re: башкирская - Bashkirian horse!
Haha, yea I can tell u one thing, my horses aint curly
Thank you soo much! Hopefully I'll find something:)
so where r u from and what horses r u interested in?
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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:20:52
Re: башкирская - Bashkirian horse!
Well, if they'd live where Bashkir Curlies live, they'd be curly, too.. How did you happen to become interested in Bashkirs? Rather unorthodox, for Sweden, isn't it?

I am in the States, in Illinois. My horses are mostly quarterhorses, and a couple - mixed breeds.
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Sandra Coron
7 апреля 2009, 01:20:52
Re: башкирская - Bashkirian horse!
Well, no when it comes to horses we are not that unconventional

to tell u the whole story in a short way I was ten years old an going out to a ranch to have a look at some quarterhorses with my dad. and out of a sudden there's a sign: Bashkirian horses - turn left! so we turned cuz I went like: oh dad u know they're from russia and can stay outside all year around... and so we went there and a girl showed us the foals and then she said to my dad that he should be lucky if he found one grown up Bashkirian that you could ride. And my dad is quite stubborn so.. we had 9 of them in a year.
and now there has been some years and I got tired, u know all teenagers do but now I'm back in business and the passion has awoke

anyway, the states.. how come ure on this site then?
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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:20:52
Re: башкирская - Bashkirian horse!
and the passion has awoke

It's not a passion, it's a desease, an infection of some sort - once you got it, it's there, for life, I think..

I am russian by birth, so I speak russian fluently. Immigrated to the States long ago. As for this site - I got here by accident - my buddy and I were looking for Don sperm. It's kinda cool, to speak to the russian horsefolk, so I stuck around.

Cool about the bashkirs, good for you. I haven't seen Russian ones, but judging from the pictures and from what I read - hardy breed, and the temperament is good. Good working and hobby horses, kinda like quarters. What do you do with them?
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Sandra Coron
7 апреля 2009, 01:20:52
Re: башкирская - Bashkirian horse!
Hm right. Ye maybe I mean you start trying other things but nothing really fits like horses;P

Oh right so where did you live in russia then? cool I wanna be fluent in russian too. I tried taking classes for half a year and I learned the alphabet so I could type names, haha.!

Yea, well the thing about Bashkirians I think is that they're persistant and like to work. And the best of all they are so changeable as a breed. My first Bashkir was only 1,50 m and quite broad and dad used him for drafting timber in the wood and I used him for riding. But the one I ride now he looks like a trotter and he's about 1,65 m, he's done some jumping but that's not my thing. And my youngster she looks like an icelandic horse, you know? I used her as a drafthorse, did some dressage too and just had fun in the woods. So mainly you can use them for anything, I know some people who used them for herding reindeers up north too
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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:20:52
Re: башкирская - Bashkirian horse!
I ain't kiddin', I am a ruski, for real. Lived in Moscow, 'till 1981.

To become fluent in Russian, you gotta live in the country, for a few years, kinda immerse yourself in the whole thing. But... I can think of a few reasons not to do that

1.65, that's like... 16 hands 2 inches! that is one tall horse! As for herding reindeer - that's way too cool. Hey, tell us more about that, would ya'-could ya'? I'll translate into Russian, and push it to the site admins - I am sure the folks on this site would appreciate it. I mean - where else would we learn about stuff like that?

Are you originally from Sweden? You come across like someone from the good ole' USA, all red, white and blue, jeans, milk and apple pie, not blond pigtails and swedish meatballs
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Sandra Coron
7 апреля 2009, 01:20:52
Re: башкирская - Bashkirian horse!
right, I suppose there's plenty of reasons not to go there but I think the russians might get scared when I come ridin in my biiiig truck looking for some wild bashkirians to fetch (horses, what did u think?:P)

thnx but u forgot my marlboro lights and my boots, wouldn't go anywhere without them, haha.. no but frankly I'm better off now, last year people started asking which part of Britain I lived in
I'm from sweden but I've got some eastern european blood in my veins and btw I'm not blond and I'm so sick of meatballs, 've had them for dinner 5 days in a row..

I don't know that much about the herding, since we haven't done it ourselves but those who owned our horses has a pic on their old website, though we bought 4 of the horses 6 yrs ago.
that nice lookin horse herding reindeers is my Mr. "tall guy":)
But what I know about it is that sometimes they use horses for fun, they use snowscooters and helicopters for the real work, during the so called "reindeercollecting" in the fall and winter.

Apart from this there's alot of breeders here, I mean as it's not a widespread breed. I think we have about 15-16 stallions that are "evaluated and worthy to use for breeding", don't ask me for the word in eng I have no idea.. Bashkirians here are also used for westernriding and a few of them for showjumping too.
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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:20:52
Re: башкирская - Bashkirian horse!
Sandy, give me your email address. There may be(will be, I believe) a horse festival, in Russia. Wild horses, Russian prarie, and all that native stuff. Don't know about the warm and cozy toilets, but a chance to experience something you'll not want to share with your grandkids - guarantied. I think it'll be the next best thing since invention of beer, you'll want to play, and it will be well worth the time and the expense of getting there. Also - if there is any more horsefolk, true nut cases, like you and I - let's get together! Russian prairie is as good a place for a little fun, as any. I am not the organiser, but will have all the info.


"...we have about 15-16 stallions that are "evaluated and worthy to use for breeding", don't ask me for the word in eng I have no idea..." - that's "approved stallions", or "approved stallions at stud"