equestrian.ru / форум / Discussions in English / Nevzorov stole my picture!!! | RSS • Форум • Комментарии • Подписка |
Автор: Capitalist pig,
1 мая 2007 г. в 23:43
A G Nevzorov stole my picture, that I took of my friend being thrown off, and posted it on his bizarre website! Not only is the guy a jerk, he is a jerk without any scruples, a thief! |
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7 апреля 2009, 01:20:39
It appears, the photo was removed from Nevzorov's site since my earlier post. However, the fact of copyright violation was established without a doubt, therefore original post will remain in place until removed by the moderators/administration of Equestrian.ru.
7 апреля 2009, 01:20:39
The saga continues! It appears, after careful consideration the bastard Nevzorov published my photo on his site, again! This time he did it knowing well that I protest his actions! Truly, nothing is too low for this jerk. I stand on my words – A. G. Nevzorov is a petty thief, a crook and a liar.
7 апреля 2009, 01:20:39
As the world turns…
The picture has been removed from Nevzorov’s site. Turns out, the site is owned not by Nevzorov himself, but by his wife. The demand to remove the picture was satisfied; there is not proof that the picture was copied by the owner of the site, so it’s over.