Автор: Pocherk,
6 августа 2006 г. в 16:49
I would want to find relatives or any information about horses I know here in Finland.
My horse is breeded in Collective Farm Rodina, St Krylovskoj. He´s born in 1990 in Sovjet Union, so this place may doesn´t exist anymore. If you know any horses which are relatives with Plot (born 1983, stallion) <http://www.sukuposti.net/fakta.php?Numero=399108> or Eron xx (born 1977, english thoroughbred stallion) please contact me!
My friend´s horse comes also from Russia. <http://www.sukuposti.net/fakta.php?Numero=238632> (white mare, born in 1997, breeder Park Jekateringof ) It is klepper, which is very rare breed.
I know many horses from Russia, but these are the most important ones.
Please contact me with e-mail. My address is otsenka@netti.fi
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7 апреля 2009, 01:16:13
those links did not work. So, I will put them here