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Автор: Lamborghini, 23 июля 2006 г. в 15:46


maybe anybody there can help me.

i have a 14 year old budjonny gelding. His breeding name is Raport and i am searching for his parents. maybe anybody knows them.

There you can look at Raports pedigree: (i cant translate name of parents correct. we tip "Rutscheek 106" and "Rizhanka 17").



i hope anybody can help me.


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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:15:59
Re: Pedigree of Budjonny

Where are you, geographically? If in the US - Let's switch to email - mklachko@earthlink.net

If in Europe - send the info straight to vniik@rink.ryazan.ru, or mail to
P/O Institut konevodstva
Rybnovskogo raiona
Riazanskoi oblasti Russia

Attention of Marina Iosifovna Kibort, or Anna Aleksandrovna Nikolaeva

Actually, the only true, "bona fide" information/confirmation will have to come from there, anyway.

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7 апреля 2009, 01:15:59
Re: Pedigree of Budjonny
Anna Nikolaeva from VNIIK confirmed that Raport 9, 1992, Rutcheek-Rizhanka was born at the kolkhoz (statefarm) named after XX Parts'ezd, Orlovsky district, Rostovsky region. It's obvious that you have an original papers from Russia. In order to clarify details - welcome to VNIIK's e-mail:) vniik@rinfotels.ru attn. Anna Nikolaeva
Best regards!
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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:15:59
Re: Pedigree of Budjonny
It's obvious that you have an original papers from Russia.
It is? Really? Based on what?
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7 апреля 2009, 01:15:59
Re: Pedigree of Budjonny
Based on visual analysis )
Papers "from Russia" don't mean papers "from VNIIK" Some years ago statefarms issued documents rather independently. Probably we met with that variant. Anyway, for solving problems with pedigree, it'll be better to ask Anna Nikolaeva.
I hope to successful result !
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Capitalist pig
7 апреля 2009, 01:15:59
Re: Pedigree of Budjonny
I am pretty sure, Lamborghini appreciates the fact that the print and the handwriting are in Russian. Just like on the documents, prepared in Brighton Beach, NY, USA.
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7 апреля 2009, 01:15:59
Re: Pedigree of Budjonny
well, you are right
By the way, Anna is going to visit studfarms next couple of weeks. So, she will out of I-net for a while.
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7 апреля 2009, 01:15:59
Re: Pedigree of Budjonny
thanks very much!

i am from austria! raport is born 1992 (brand number 9;92). i have original russian pedigree documents and translated pedigree, but the both were very unreadable, i cant translate correct names of parents

thanks again! maybe i can find out more about this stud farm.

does anybody know, where i can get photos of Raports parents? or information about raport himself?
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7 апреля 2009, 01:15:59
Re: Pedigree of Budjonny
Hi Lamborghini!

I´m very intrested in bydjonny horses, because I know a couple of them here in Finland, and "my" horse ( http://www.sukuposti.net/sukutietokanta.php?Numero=399124 )comes from Russia (or soviet union), too.

www.sukuposti.net you can find numerous pedigrees of horses. You can use the site also in English.
Unfortunately, I didn´t find any horse called "Raport", "Rutcheek" or "Rizhanka". But I found Raport´s grandparents.

Rutcheek´s father: http://www.sukuposti.net/sukutietokanta.php?Numero=68379

Rutcheek´s mother: http://www.sukuposti.net/sukutietokanta.php?Numero=378031

Rizhanka´s father: http://www.sukuposti.net/sukutietokanta.php?Numero=107479

Clicking *progeny* you can find the offspring of these horses, but Rutscheek and Rizhanka are not "known" here in Finland.

With advanced search I searced for all the budjonny horses the website knows. There are many budjonnys which are distant relatives with your horse.

These are all the budjonnys I found: http://www.sukuposti.net/results.php?action=haku&isa_nro=&rotu=&vari=&sukupuoli=&nimitype=sis%E4lt%E4%E4&nimi=&reknro=&synttype=vuonna&syntvuosi=&syntmaa=&sakatype=tasan&saka=&ktkpalk=&jalkpalk=&ennatys=&ktklaus=&muuta=budjonny

If you are intrested, you can write me e-mail to otsenka@netti.fi . It would be very nice I´m 18-year-old girl from Finland. I can speak German, too.
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7 апреля 2009, 01:15:59
Re: Pedigree of Budjonny
I found your horse here http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/raport but have you sent the photo? He is a beautiful horse
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7 апреля 2009, 01:15:59
Re: Pedigree of Budjonny
thanks for answer! i know the sukuposti site, but found no "useful" information at my first visit. (thats some time ago).

thanks for your links too, very interesting.

the horse from your stable looks very elegant. she is a great jumper, isnt she?

i have written email back to you

edit: yes, it was me, who added Raport in allbreedpedigree database