Nadina Ironia
neck painting progress
6 июля 2010, 18:18:00
neck painting
1 июля 2010, 20:36:00
 training myself. Kalfo neck painting in progress. not sure i will make ir very detalised, but have to work more on it when it dries enough. there is a bot wrong colour of photo, sun is too bright, hiding of reflexes. sorry, but it looks it is from dimensions as well.. promise to make better photo :) 
chess horse painting
1 июля 2010, 20:25:00
 long time since i wasn't had a brush in my hand. one nadinastyly pony "Chess" is almost ready :) 20x20 cm oil on canvas 
Exhibition In Towney Hall
14 июня 2010, 20:33:00
 last weekend in Towney Hall castle our Photography club Smena took a part in Russian Culture Festival. we have exposed approximately 30 art pieces of our members. two of my photos Mirriam and Autumn Dialogues were exposed there. Towney Hall website: http://www.townleyhall.ienews from Latvia about: http://www.elittesport.lv/102966
3 мая 2010, 14:03:00
 April is finished, I'm back to Dublin. 1. 28th night is happened my engagement with Lauris I've got gorgeous diamond ring :) 2. my bachelor is less than half done. Theory and Methods have to be written more. now i have to talk Ambassador, secretary and one lady as independent experts. hope to finish all before 15th may. 3. 8 photosessions are done in Latvia. few of them are ready to be shared. once again i understand that animals i MY theme! 
7 апреля 2010, 12:56:00
31 марта 2010, 19:16:00
Ellitesport par mani 
facebook page
30 марта 2010, 14:57:00
logotype NH
25 марта 2010, 22:29:00
 finished logo for NH club. there is two variations choosed, final result not desided yet by client, anyway i feel good! this is my favourite, but last variatoin will depend of it look on website. 
13 марта 2010, 14:16:00