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*Ashva* Виктория Бондаренко
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7 августа 2010, 15:49:21
Умираю от жары и смога.. Когда же погода изменится?..
в тему=)
4 августа 2010, 13:02:45

M a r i a
2 августа 2010, 12:45:20

Nadina Ironia
neck painting F.
30 июля 2010, 19:33:00
 like it enough. glazed it today to have deeper colours. so probably it's finished. 
pink horse
30 июля 2010, 17:53:00
 dunno what i wan to see in result.. just wasting colours on canvas..anyway i like it! 
30 июля 2010, 15:15:00
to paint or not to paint today? 
Racing Cruelty
30 июля 2010, 13:59:00
what is happening behind the glamourous show? murder! murder murder.. cruel murder.. this is industry with no any chances to be stopped, beccause of money, which finally kills poor horses, who born to be happy, but never know they will go racing and after will be discarded like used toilet paper.. 
27 июля 2010, 21:14:00
 just finished painting (will continiue tomorrow on this piece..) wondering why do I paint ugly horses since i was small.. father always told me my horses are ugly, i was crying.. that style is still here.. as one my teacher told, you're painting perfect horses with your camera, there's not so many photographers who see horse so beautiful as you see.. don't make copy of the photo, just paint you feel.. ok.. i'm continiouing to paint them in funny proportions and sometimes ugly forms.. that's the way i probably feel :) 
chess horse upgrade
6 июля 2010, 18:39:00
 added some light golden paint on Chess horse today. just in the way of experiment :) 
neck painting progress
6 июля 2010, 18:18:00