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Ольга Манга

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Nadina Ironia

Racing Cruelty

30 июля 2010, 13:59:00
what is happening behind the glamourous show? murder! murder murder.. cruel murder..
this is industry with no any chances to be stopped, beccause of money, which finally kills poor horses, who born to be happy, but never know they will go racing and after will be discarded like used toilet paper..


27 июля 2010, 21:14:00

just finished painting (will continiue tomorrow on this piece..)

wondering why do I paint ugly horses since i was small.. father always told me my horses are ugly, i was crying.. that style is still here.. as one my teacher told, you're painting perfect horses with your camera, there's not so many photographers who see horse so beautiful as you see.. don't make copy of the photo, just paint you feel.. ok.. i'm continiouing to paint them in funny proportions and sometimes ugly forms.. that's the way i probably feel :)

chess horse upgrade

6 июля 2010, 18:39:00

added some light golden paint on Chess horse today. just in the way of experiment :)

neck painting progress

6 июля 2010, 18:18:00

made a different tone of background, added some more details

neck painting

1 июля 2010, 20:36:00

training myself. Kalfo neck painting in progress. not sure i will make ir very detalised, but have to work more on it when it dries enough.

there is a bot wrong colour of photo, sun is too bright, hiding of reflexes. sorry, but it looks it is from dimensions as well.. promise to make better photo :)

chess horse painting

1 июля 2010, 20:25:00

long time since i wasn't had a brush in my hand.
one nadinastyly pony "Chess" is almost ready :)
20x20 cm oil on canvas



25 июня 2010, 21:34:09
про ЖЖ периодически вспоминаю и реанимирую блог. сегодня добавила всякого понемногу.

экстерьерная съёмка

24 июня 2010, 20:41:52
за пять часов отснять 70 голов - это вам не фунт изюма! мёртвые выводчики, мёртвый фотограф)))

[но тем профессионалы и отличаются от любителей - они делают свою работу в отведённые сроки, в любых условиях, в любом случае)) ]

Nadina Ironia

Exhibition In Towney Hall

14 июня 2010, 20:33:00

last weekend in Towney Hall castle our Photography club Smena took a part in Russian Culture Festival.
we have exposed approximately 30 art pieces of our members.

two of my photos Mirriam and Autumn Dialogues were exposed there.

Towney Hall website:

news from Latvia about:



28 мая 2010, 22:47:29
мой любимый дружище Принц теперь-то стал крэком)) как ни крути - резвейший сын Натиска ,2.01,0 за Диаболикалом!