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Maria Kirillova

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Fefa Koroleva

19 октября 2009, 09:05:43
Два карачая

15 октября 2009, 16:21:19

11 октября 2009, 09:19:57

9 октября 2009, 09:45:59
Катя и Дуся

8 октября 2009, 08:05:35

бутылка, акрил, контуры для стекла Idea.

Nadina Ironia

redaktora sleja Zirgu Pasts (okt.nov) 09

7 октября 2009, 19:42:00


7 октября 2009, 16:16:00

Loday painting now.

have to edit headlines (looks too long)
make smaller neck etc..


7 октября 2009, 16:15:00
plan of lazy me for today:
1.editor's line (few hours left til deadline)
2.painting Loday Light
3. arhivating 40gb of pictures
4. recenzion of BBC documentary movie..

hahaha.. ok that's jobs from today till friday.

Fefa Koroleva

7 октября 2009, 09:26:38

Nadina Ironia


6 октября 2009, 16:40:00

few days ago found old scetch of my dog Jutta.
she died summer 2006 when was 12 years old.

loved her character so much, she real hippie, so free and ambitious, so happy and clever. she allways was puppie for me, doesn't metter how old was she.
we lost her in few monthes. it was skin cancer and one day she told, please let me go, i am so tired of this all medicine and drugs, i loved you all so much, i will stay with you forewer, please let me sleep, i love you!

i'm still crying when remmember her last eyelook, and now when found this drawing I see her eyes, her personality. i miss her so much :(