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Лана Соль


5 июня 2004, 21:01:11
I can see that no one has mentioned [info]pirateman so i will. His posts are constantly brilliant, varied, and lamost always funny. His last post is a good example, and in fact directly tackles the issue of "making posts about brushing your teeth on a livejournal."

giantlaser From Iraq With Love

5 июня 2004, 10:14:18
[info]giantlaser is a geek of some sort that runs a tech company that involves routers of the second kind housed in IraqiRack. Oh, right. His company is located in Iraq. And he has pictures to prove it.

I got hooked from the time somebody pointed me to The Epic of Roostard. And then I learned about The South African bottle opener (a former Canadian Colonel I used to work with confirmed this interesting fact). There's so much good stuff in this journal that you better start from the beginning.

I absolutely cannot believe that he has only about 200 readers. How can this happen? I don't know.

LJ All Stars Part 1

5 июня 2004, 09:31:52
I'm all about the funny.

So many journals offer up sporadic entertainment mixed in with the boring minutiae of daily life. Not so [info]jourdannex What I like best about her is that if she doesn't have anything funny to say, she doesn't say anything at all. Thus, she'll be the least frequently updated lj on your friends list, but you can happily waste a day or two reading every old entry in her lj- no filler.

She's a former Jehovah's Witness with a razor wit and a penchant for monkey pets and expensive shoes. She goes to lesbian bars. You love her so much.

Oh, and her posts are almost all locked. Friend her and get added- so worth it.

More than honorable mention goes to mrmustard Again, no fluff. His is a hilarious concept-based journal with the occasional (and disarming) personal anecdote. He's just beyond great.

[info]larrondo is indescribably great, so I won't even try. Read this entry and then friend him: http://www.livejournal.com/users/larrondo/18075.html

[info]jathomas is a hapless Southerner who's always having hilarious misadventures. Go and have a chuckle at his expense.

5 июня 2004, 05:58:07
The drinking age in New York used to be 18, which meant that you could start drinking publicly when you were 16 if you picked the right bars. One of the places I could get served without hastle was the Bavarian Inn on 86th street in the heart of what used to be called "German Town" (I think) but is more properly "Yorkville" (I think). Anyway, the Bavarian Inn was a bar that, during its height, was half preppy underage drinkers and half retired merchant marine sailors (If you own a bar, that mix is like hitting the lottery) and during the time that I was earning my barfly wings I listened to the old guys tell lots of tales that "could have happened and might be true." Since I turned "of age" I haven't had a good source for original sailor stories, which are the best kind of stories there are, until I joined LiveJournal and discovered saltdog's journal. What recommends saltdog is that in addition to being the real deal (a drunken sailor who can write well) he is psychologically astute and intellectually curious... so you can bet that if he is taking a bunch of birders, "or whatever you call bird watching fanatics", up the Orinioco river that he will end up trading soap with Indians not for the love of native swag but for the interaction. Add to those qualities the fact that he is well read and culturally aware and the net effect is a deceptively complex journal.

He has a fair share of "friends-only" posts, I think because he writes many things that could get him fired, so you should try to get him to friend you. He has some cranky opinions... those who prefer seals to sealers should be forewarned... but his bark is worst than his bite and despite frequent profanity his journal is never (as far as I can remember) obscene. He is funny and lately has started posting pictures and making phone posts. When he is at sea he often can't update his journal but as soon as he is on land the entries come in bunches.

You should friend him. Why read Edgar Rowe Snow and Patrick O'Brian books when you can get first hand accounts of using a skinny stick to search for stowaways before leaving Mogadishu?


4 июня 2004, 11:40:19
[info]zeppo's journal is a series of essays about her life. And guess what - her posts are consistently good. Take a look at this post. Or that one. Ah, who am I kidding, they are all good. I mean, come on - over 750 livejournal readers can't be wrong. Well, they might. But not in this case.