History of Bioelectrography: 1939 – RUSSIA
In Krasnodar, former URSS, he re-invented the Bioelectrographic Camera, now renamed as Kirlian Camera, and started systematic and scientific researches, helped by several Soviet Scientists. Those researches were revealed to the rest of the world only in 1960, during a Congress on Parapsychology.
1967 – BRAZIL
Prof. Newton Milhomens
At the end of 1967, in Bras?lia (DF), he built his first Kirlian Camera, based on a Soviet electronic scheme, starting his scientific researches in Psychological Clinics, in 1968, and, later on, in Hospitals. Moving to Rio de Janeiro (RJ), in 1981, in that city he continued his researches. Currently, he is living in Curitiba (PR), ever since 1983.
1969 – GERMANY
Dr. Peter Mandel, PhD
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