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Автор: nordmann, 24 февраля 2007 г. в 23:23 комментировать

We are breeders of top quality Danish Warm blood sports horses, for both dressage and showjumping. We breed only with the very best stallions on Elite status medal mares. We are looking for selected clients in Russia, who are looking for the very best. Serious enquiries only.

Автор: Volkogon, 25 декабря 2006 г. в 11:41 комментировать

Breeding farm "Northern wood" congratulate on Christmas!
I wish your of good luck , health and all good!
Best regards!
Irina Volkogon.

Автор: Silver, 22 октября 2006 г. в 03:17 комментировать


I am curerntly looking for a horse (accually a pony) breed to import.

I have fallen in love with the Mongolian pony and I wonder if you could help me.

I have heard that this breed exists in Russia, someone told me that they exist on the easten side off the Ural Mountains, can this be right?
Also I wonder if they exist on other places in Russia.

I also would like to know what regions in Russia that are aloved to export horses to EU?

Is it only horses born in that region that are aloved to be exported to Russia, or can you move a horse from a region that is closed for export and let it be in quarantine in a region that is aloved the export to EU?

I also would like information about the prices off horses in Russia.
I am not after a competitionhorse, I want a friend with normal gates (the gates should however be correct and not mix with each other), a friend I can ride in the forests and have fun with.
If the horse has more then 3 gates its a bonus.

If someone have experiens from sending horses from Russia to EU I would be greatfull if you could help me with more tips and ideas.

Автор: pastejja, 9 октября 2006 г. в 19:31 комментировать

Im trying to find some information about a stallion name Pilot (Now living in Estonia) and his familymembers .
You could find his pedigree here(as much as I could find)
I would be really happy if there was someone who know anything.
Warmly Ulrika

Автор: Фунтова Наталья, 14 сентября 2006 г. в 09:52 комментировать

Here is my letter, wich I have sent as an ASPSA member:

Sep 12, 2006

Senator Hillary Clinton
United States Senate
476 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-0001

Dear Senator Clinton,

As a concerned constituent, I am writing to urge you to support and
cosponsor the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (S. 1915). S.
1915 would prohibit the transport, moving, delivering, receiving,
possessing, purchasing, selling, or donation of any horse to be
slaughtered for human consumption. Earlier this year, H.R. 503, an
identical bill, was introduced in the House of Representatives. Now,
S. 1915 is being sponsored in the Senate by Senators John Ensign
(R-NV), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Robert Byrd (D-WV), Arlen Specter
(R-PA), Daniel Inouye (D-HI), Trent Lott (R-MS), Jim DeMint (R-SC),
Carl Levin (D-MI) and Joseph Lieberman (D-CT).

Americans do not eat horse meat. However, thousands of horses are
cruelly slaughtered every year in this country to satisfy an overseas
market for horsemeat in countries like France, Belgium, and Japan.
Horses have been our trusted companions and are a historically
significant part of American culture. They deserve a more dignified
end to their lives than being slaughtered and served as dinner.

Additionally, the transport of horses to slaughter houses is often
extremely inhumane. Many horses are injured even before reaching the
slaughter plant due to overcrowded conditions during transport. Some
are shipped for more than 24 hours at a time without food, water, or
rest. In addition, the methods used to slaughter these horses once
they arrive at the plant can be exceptionally inhumane. The horses
are often forced to endure repeated stuns or blows and sometimes
remain conscious during their slaughter.

S. 1915 would put an end to this cruel and inhumane practice by
effectively prohibiting horse slaughter for human consumption in the
U.S. Therefore, I respectfully urge you to support and cosponsor the
American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act. Thank you for your time and


Natalia Funtova

Автор: Pocherk, 6 августа 2006 г. в 17:02 комментировать


If you can speak English please write me. Especially if you just could help me to find informations about horses I know, and you live in Russia (or anywhere else) I am 18-year old girl from Finland my address is otsenka@netti.fi

I wrote a topic where I am searching information about Russian horses. Look these links, if you know these horses! there is pictures, too




Автор: Pocherk, 6 августа 2006 г. в 16:49 комментировать


I would want to find relatives or any information about horses I know here in Finland.

My horse is breeded in Collective Farm Rodina, St Krylovskoj. He&#180;s born in 1990 in Sovjet Union, so this place may doesn&#180;t exist anymore. If you know any horses which are relatives with Plot (born 1983, stallion) <http://www.sukuposti.net/fakta.php?Numero=399108> or Eron xx (born 1977, english thoroughbred stallion) please contact me!

My friend&#180;s horse comes also from Russia. <http://www.sukuposti.net/fakta.php?Numero=238632> (white mare, born in 1997, breeder Park Jekateringof ) It is klepper, which is very rare breed.

I know many horses from Russia, but these are the most important ones.

Please contact me with e-mail. My address is otsenka@netti.fi

Автор: Lamborghini, 23 июля 2006 г. в 15:46 комментировать


maybe anybody there can help me.

i have a 14 year old budjonny gelding. His breeding name is Raport and i am searching for his parents. maybe anybody knows them.

There you can look at Raports pedigree: (i cant translate name of parents correct. we tip "Rutscheek 106" and "Rizhanka 17").



i hope anybody can help me.

Автор: Dorte, 1 июля 2006 г. в 16:12 комментировать

I search for work in Russia or Ukraine!

I&#180;m Highly experienced Nanny / Governess in high profile German families and Royal Family.

I&#180;m native german speaking woman with out a accent!

I’ve studied housekeeper for private households with taking care of children.
My experiences are:
+ with 5 children (2) brothers & (3) sisters from 8 months to 12 years at the same time
+ with 4 children (3) brothers & (1) sisters from 2 &#189; (twins) to 7 years at the same time
+ with 3 sisters from 2 to 6 years at the same time
I am experienced in taking care of babies and children over 12 years, too.
In my schooldays I often babysat during the day and also at night, including playing and helping with the homework.

I’m a person who likes sports! I can ice skate. In 1984 I was “area champion” in cross racing. I like riding, bicycles. I never really played tennis, golf etc., but if it is possible, I would like to learn it!
The only think I wouldn‘t do are adrenaline sports!
I’ve got a lot of experience in riding „gait-horses“! I’ve taken lessons from different WC-Riders, so I can say I can ride, too.

So please, if you know how I can find a nice family, please write me!
(agency are also O.K.)

Автор: Uncle Pasha, 6 августа 2005 г. в 17:08 комментировать

Please note my site on Staritsa and other towns between Moscow and St. Petersburg: www.staritsa.info

Horse riding at my dacha on the Volga, near Staritsa, 4 hours from Moscow, is at www.russian-horse-rides.com

A massive propaganda campaign of Russian Winter Travel, with "Winter is the Soul of Russia" as the concept's slogan, is coming up.
